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Fatherhood: Supporting the Journey

Support Group for Dads

Parenting Skills 101: Tips and Tricks to Get Your Kids to Do What You Want

Are you struggling to get your child do what you want? Are you and your partner unsure how to handle behavioral challenges? Then this workshop is for you.

This 3-hour workshop will discuss creating structure, limit setting and communicating with your child. 

You will also have the opportunity to discuss your parenting concerns and receive support from other parents. The workshop is designed to meet the needs of parents with children of all ages. 


The workshop will be facilitated by psychologist and family therapist Allison Peterson, MA, LP. 

For information about upcoming sessions, visit our Facebook event page.

Stress Management for Parenting: Survival Strategies including Self-care, Mindfulness and More

Parenthood brings great joy, but can also bring a new level of stress and worry. Learning how to manage your stress more effectively is the key to improving your quality of life and your enjoyment of this new stage.


The class will teach you coping strategies for managing stress related to parenting, including: understanding the physiological effects of stress, daily self-care to reduce the impact of stress, mindfulness techniques and communication skills. The class includes mindfulness exercises such as breath work, relaxation and cognitive strategies.

You can attend alone or with a partner, although couples who attend together may discover new ways to strengthen their relationship.

For information about upcoming sessions, visit our Facebook event page.

Mindful Mothering: How Mindfulness and Self-Care Intersect 

A 4-part series focused on building a mindfulness practice as a form of self-care for moms.


Please join other moms for this 4-part series focused on better understanding the physiology of mindfulness, learning mindfulness skills and improving overall self-care to increase liking of yourself and enjoyment of your role as Mom. Any mom (from pregnancy and beyond) could benefit from this series.


For information about upcoming sessions, visit our Facebook event page.

Social Media Workshop for Parents and Teens/Tweens

Social media has added a whole new dimension to parenting. Many parents are unsure of how to monitor social media, either avoiding talking about it all or forbidding kids to use it. This interactive workshop is for you and your child to discuss how to use social media in a healthy way. Allison Peterson, MA, LP will discuss common difficulties encountered by families including risky social media behaviors, engaging with unknown persons and safety issues that end up on social media. Learn how to talk with your child about these concerns while allowing them to develop effective social skills. We will discuss using a social media contract to set appropriate boundaries for use and supervision of various social media platforms.


For information about upcoming sessions, visit our Facebook event page.


Dialectical Parenting: A Technique for Parenting Children with Mood and Behavior Regulation Disorders

This interactive workshop will help those parenting or working with youth who emotional or behavioral regulation. Participants will understand the underlying dynamics of dysregulation and explore a model to help address both mood and behavior in a more effective manner.

For information about upcoming sessions, visit our Facebook event page.

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