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Skip Brenny

Skip Brenny, MS (He/Him/His) recently graduated with his masters in Marriage & Family Therapy from the University of Wisconsin.


Prior to grad school, Skip spent 15 rewarding but unfulfilling years in corporate America. Inspired by stories like, “Under the Tuscan Sun” and “Eat. Pray. Love.” Skip embarked on a sabbatical with hopes to both find himself and fulfilling work. Though nothing goes quite like the movies, Skip developed a profound appreciation for relationship, universal connection, and human consciousness. This led him to where he is today.


Skip was trained to be a volunteer mediator and met requirements as a “Qualified Neutral” in the state of MN. He understands the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and is trauma-informed. As a gay man, Skip’s identity and journey offers insight into privilege and oppression. Skip has deep empathy for anyone who has felt othered or been impacted by oppression and injustice. He also pauses to understand his own privilege knowing its invisible to those who have it.


Skip brings a uniquely personal, fresh, and informal approach to working with clients. His experiential style is fed using a blend of narrative, attachment, family system theories. Skip leverages his past experiences with various types of holistic healing and will to offer guidance and referrals anytime appropriate. Most importantly, Skip insists levity, humor, and laughter are essential parts of healing, and this is woven into everything he does.



phone: 612-306-7547

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